It’s a thin line between pride and confidence. All too easily, our healthy confidence develops into unhealthy pride. Not sure where your fall on the scale of confident to prideful? Just check out the list of phrases below to figure it out.
“No one makes burgers the way I do. They’re the best you’ll ever taste!”
“You can’t change your car oil? I’ve been changing oil since I was a teenager. It’s a breeze!”
“My son will win this game–no doubt about it. He’s the most talented quarterback in the state.”
“Here, try some of my burgers! I spent all evening doing my best to grill them well.”
“I have experience changing car oil, so I’d love to help you out with yours.”
“My son is an incredibly hard-worker. I can’t wait to see him play his best in this game–win or lose.”
How would you define pride or confidence? Comment below with your answer!
Posted on: February 27, 2024

We’ve all heard how romantic it can be when opposites attract.
But one of the hardest parts of marriage is dealing with your spouse’s differences…
- Maybe you’re an extrovert and your spouse is an introvert.
- Maybe you communicate best with your actions and your spouse communicates best with their words.
- Maybe you love sports and your spouse loves books.
The list goes on and on. But today, let’s talk through how differences in marriage can be a blessing in disguise…
Differences Lead to Acceptance: Once we recognize how we’re different, we can come to better accept our spouse for who they are. We can learn to love their boldness in spite of our timidness. We can learn to love their strength when we are weak. And we can learn to love their patience when we are angry.
Differences Lead to Fun: Differences in marriage also mean FUN! It means having the opportunity to try things you never thought you would…things like traveling, skydiving, or tasting foreign food. Be sure to explore your spouse’s differences and make the most of them.
Differences Lead to a Balance: Finally, differences lead to a healthy balance in marriage. When you struggle with negativity, your spouse’s optimism will come in handy. And when your spouse struggles with daily stresses, your big picture mindset will bring peace.
How are you and your spouse different from one another? We’d love to hear your answer in a comment below.
Posted on: February 22, 2024

It isn’t easy to recognize our strengths and our weaknesses. Why? Because it requires some serious self-examination.
We all want to believe we’re patient, social, and a strong leader. But that’s often not the case. And the sooner we identify our strengths and weaknesses, the sooner we can utilize them to our advantage!
That’s why my challenge for you is this: to answer the following questions as honestly and objectively as you can.
Your Strengths:
1. In what areas of your life do you often find success?
2. If your friends had to pick you to be in charge of something, what would they put you in charge of?
3. Over time, what have you noticed to be your natural abilities?
Your Weaknesses:
1. If we asked your spouse, what would they say are your biggest struggles?
2. In what areas of your life do you often seek help?
3. What aspects of your career do you find most challenging?
What are your strengths and weaknesses? Feel free to leave your answers in a comment below.
Posted on: February 20, 2024

Every day, you have the chance to be a leader. Don’t believe me? Well, today we’ll be talking through 3 common places you can be a leader.
1. Be a Leader in Your Home
First and foremost, it’s crucial to be a leader in your home. Your family needs to have someone to depend on, someone to lean on, and someone to guide them well…they need YOU!
2. Be a Leader in Your Workplace
Next, let’s consider the importance of being a leader at your job. It’s all too easy to choose laziness over excellence…especially when all your coworkers are cutting corners. But I encourage you to be a leader and instead remember Colossians 3:23 which says, “Whatever you do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not to men.”
3. Be a Leader in Your Social Circle
And finally, perhaps the most difficult place to be a leader is with your friends. When they begin complaining about their spouses, their bosses, or their kids, we keep our mouths closed. Why? We’d rather let them rant than call them out and make things uncomfortable. But my advice: lead your friends well by pointing out when their negative attitudes take things too far.
Where else can we strive to be leaders? We’d love to hear your thoughts in a comment below.
Posted on: February 15, 2024

Whether you realize it or not, your children are watching you.
Do you like what they’re seeing?
As parents, we have a responsibility to act with care. So below are a series of questions to reflect upon how you may be influencing your children–in good ways and in not so good ways…
- Are you quick to lose your temper?
- When is the last time you showed affection to your spouse in front of your kids?
- Do you treat others with respect or disdain?
- Are you quick to serve around the house?
- What sort of language do you use when you’re angry?
- Do you spend more time checking emails or checking how your child’s day was?
- Do you use your words to build others up or tear others down?
- How often do you thank your spouse for what they do?
What are some other questions to help you reflect on how you influence your kids? We’d love to hear your suggestions in a comment below.
Posted on: February 13, 2024

Self-analysis is no simple task. Yet it’s crucial to working well with others and achieving great things. Why? Because the more we know about our strengths and weaknesses, the more we’ll be able to seek out others who can complement us.
So answer the 10 questions below to better understand where you thrive and where you struggle. Then, use your new knowledge to create a recipe for success with your coworkers!
- Leadership: Do you enjoy taking charge or following pre-determined plans?
- Confidence: Do you speak your mind or hope for things to work themselves out?
- Compassion: Are you easily able to see your coworkers as people with personal lives and families?
- Ambition: Are you constantly looking for ways to grow or are you content where you are?
- Detail-Oriented: Are you able to keep all the puzzle pieces in order or do you prefer the big picture?
- Logical: Are you driven by logic or emotions?
- Team Player: Do you thrive in a group or do you prefer independence?
- Criticism: Do you take constructive criticism well or does your sensitivity prevent you from growing?
- Experience: Are you a well-seasoned pro or do you need more guidance?
- Perfection: Do you get frustrated with imperfection or are you able to demonstrate flexibility?
What are some other common strengths and weaknesses you see in yourself? Comment below with your thoughts!
Posted on: February 08, 2024

We’re only given a little bit of free time. And today, we’d like to encourage you to use that time wisely…by investing in your marriage. Not sure how to get started?
Well, here are 5 small ways to love your spouse this week:
- Bring home flowers for your wife.
- Leave a kind note on your spouse’s mirror.
- Fill up your husband’s car with a full tank of gas.
- Cook a special dinner for your spouse.
- Send a text to let your spouse know you’re thinking of them.
What are some other ways to work on your marriage? You can leave your ideas in a comment below.
Posted on: February 01, 2024

There are thousands of books and movies and songs and people who attempt to define marriage. But Tony Dungy says it comes down to three simple things: uniting, committing, and following. So here are 3 ways to build an Uncommon Marriage.
- Unite to Your Spouse: We all remember the vows we made on our wedding day. But how often do we put those vows into action? Uniting to your spouse means loving them every day…for better and for worse…in sickness and in health.
- Commit to Stay Together: Life will throw a lot of hardships your way…things like financial issues, lost jobs, and sudden illnesses. But no matter the circumstance, commit right now to stay with your spouse and get through the difficulties together.
- Follow God: And finally, the most crucial step to building an uncommon marriage is following God. This means using your marriage to trust God, glorify God, and love God in a deeper way.
How can you and your spouse follow God together through this season of life? We’d love for you to share in a comment below.
Posted on: January 30, 2024

We all believe in integrity. But how many of us actually pursue integrity in our daily lives?
Being a man of integrity means being trusted by yourself, your peers, and your God. So let’s break each of these down and talk about what that looks like day to day.
Trusting Yourself:
Every moment is an opportunity to make the right choice or the wrong choice–with your spouse, with your kids, and even with your work. But trusting yourself begins with recognizing this battle, and fighting for integrity.
Being Trusted By Others:
Gaining trust from your peers requires consistency over time; it’s not something that simply happens overnight! So let your words and actions–however big or small–convey integrity.
Being Trusted By God:
Luke 16:10 says, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.” Acting with integrity can be difficult. But when we begin to be trustworthy with the small things, we will grow in our ability to be trustworthy with the big things.
When is the last time you pursued a life of integrity? We’d love to hear your story in a comment below.
Posted on: January 18, 2024

100 years from now, what will you be remembered by?
Here at the Dungy Family Foundation, we want future generations to know that we stood for strengthening, sustaining, and empowering communities. That’s why we’re striving to leave a legacy of faith and truth.
And we want to help YOU leave a legacy, too. So here are 3 ways to leave a legacy:
1. With Your Words:
There’s no doubt about it–words are powerful. So how are you using your words? To build others up or to tear others down? Today, let your words be the encouragement someone needs to pursue their dreams, do the right thing, or make a difference.
2. With Your Actions:
Whether we know it or not, people are always watching us. They’re watching to see whether we act with integrity or selfishness, honor or deceit. So be sure your actions contribute to a legacy you’ll want to be remembered for.
3. With Your Love:
And finally, the most important way to leave a legacy is with your love. Live a life of sacrifice–always looking for ways to serve others.
What kind of legacy will you leave? Feel free to leave your thoughts in a comment below.
Posted on: January 16, 2024
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