100 years from now, what will you be remembered by?
Here at the Dungy Family Foundation, we want future generations to know that we stood for strengthening, sustaining, and empowering communities. That’s why we’re striving to leave a legacy of faith and truth.
And we want to help YOU leave a legacy, too. So here are 3 ways to leave a legacy:
1. With Your Words:
There’s no doubt about it–words are powerful. So how are you using your words? To build others up or to tear others down? Today, let your words be the encouragement someone needs to pursue their dreams, do the right thing, or make a difference.
2. With Your Actions:
Whether we know it or not, people are always watching us. They’re watching to see whether we act with integrity or selfishness, honor or deceit. So be sure your actions contribute to a legacy you’ll want to be remembered for.
3. With Your Love:
And finally, the most important way to leave a legacy is with your love. Live a life of sacrifice–always looking for ways to serve others.
What kind of legacy will you leave? Feel free to leave your thoughts in a comment below.
Posted on: January 16, 2024