Life gets tough. Life gets hard. Life gets overwhelming.
But through it all, God is with us. And God promises to stay by our side. Joshua 1:9 tells us, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Once we stop trusting the things of this world, we will be able to fully trust in God. God is good and sovereign and all-powerful. So when things go wrong, remember these words from Tony Dungy: God can see the entire picture, even when we cannot.
When is the last time you trusted God? Share your story in a comment below.

We all believe in integrity. But how many of us actually pursue integrity in our daily lives?
Being a man of integrity means being trusted by yourself, your peers, and your God. So let’s break each of these down and talk about what that looks like day to day.
Trusting Yourself:
Every moment is an opportunity to make the right choice or the wrong choice–with your spouse, with your kids, and even with your work. But trusting yourself begins with recognizing this battle, and fighting for integrity.
Being Trusted By Others:
Gaining trust from your peers requires consistency over time; it’s not something that simply happens overnight! So let your words and actions–however big or small–convey integrity.
Being Trusted By God:
Luke 16:10 says, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.” Acting with integrity can be difficult. But when we begin to be trustworthy with the small things, we will grow in our ability to be trustworthy with the big things.
When is the last time you pursued a life of integrity? We’d love to hear your story in a comment below.
Posted on: January 18, 2024

100 years from now, what will you be remembered by?
Here at the Dungy Family Foundation, we want future generations to know that we stood for strengthening, sustaining, and empowering communities. That’s why we’re striving to leave a legacy of faith and truth.
And we want to help YOU leave a legacy, too. So here are 3 ways to leave a legacy:
1. With Your Words:
There’s no doubt about it–words are powerful. So how are you using your words? To build others up or to tear others down? Today, let your words be the encouragement someone needs to pursue their dreams, do the right thing, or make a difference.
2. With Your Actions:
Whether we know it or not, people are always watching us. They’re watching to see whether we act with integrity or selfishness, honor or deceit. So be sure your actions contribute to a legacy you’ll want to be remembered for.
3. With Your Love:
And finally, the most important way to leave a legacy is with your love. Live a life of sacrifice–always looking for ways to serve others.
What kind of legacy will you leave? Feel free to leave your thoughts in a comment below.
Posted on: January 16, 2024

What do you believe shapes your identity?
For some, it’s their career. They work long days and late nights climbing the corporate ladder. They believe that their next promotion will finally make them happy…only to find it’s a never-ending climb.
For others, it’s social media. They spend hours scrolling through Twitter and Facebook, creating a picture-perfect life to impress their friends. They find fleeting happiness in the the number of “likes” they can rack up.
Still others believe their family shape their identity. They live vicariously through their children–forcing them into sports they never succeeded in on their own. Or they put too much pressure on their spouse to maintain a perfect home and a perfect disposition.
But while these can all be great things, the truth is that your identity should be found in Christ. Your career, your social media account, and your family can bring you joy. But it is God who calls you his own and guides you through life.
So be encouraged to find your identity in Christ alone!

Growing up, most of us imagine marriage to be a real life fairytale.
We expect roses and smiles and sunshine and rainbows.
So when marriage finally does come around, many people are shocked. They realize marriage is tough. Marriage requires sacrifice. Marriage is work!
But even though marriage may not be as easy as we’d like, there’s one thing marriage always is: patient. Marriage means you and your spouse bear with one another through tough times, support one another through grief, and cheer for one another through trials.
When is the last time you showed patience to your spouse? Share your story with us in a comment below!

In this day and age, it’s all too easy to give up on our marriages.
Why? Because we’ve come to believe the lie that marriage is about making us happy.
But the truth is this: marriage isn’t about making us happy…it’s about bringing God glory. Marriage wasn’t created to serve us, it was created to serve God. Marriage is about making sacrifices, putting your spouse before yourself, and loving your spouse through their flaws. Because this is what God has done for us.
Marriage is one of the best pictures of the Gospel. It’s an opportunity for us to daily put aside our own desires to selflessly serve our spouse and show them grace. So instead of focusing on the hardships, focus on finding ways to love your spouse and love God!
Be sure to comment below and share with us what you love most about your marriage!
Posted on: February 03, 2016

Being married calls for many things.
But today, we’re going to take a look at 2 things that all couples are called to do.
- Help Out at Home: First, it’s important that couples help out at home. Between work and school and chores and sports, life can get crazy pretty quickly. But couples must figure out a game plan together to keep things running smoothly! Maybe this means a simple schedule or chore chart. Whatever it is, be sure to serve your family with a willing heart.
- Raise Kids with Love: And next, it’s crucial that couples raise their kids with love. Parenting is one of the biggest challenges we will ever face. But it can be such an incredible joy if done right! So be sure that your spouse is your teammate in taking care of the kids…from choosing extracurriculars to eating meals together to tackling discipline.
What are some other things couples must do to succeed? Be sure to comment below with your suggestions!
Posted on: December 23, 2015

Do you want solid and meaningful relationships?
Of course you do!
So today we’re going to talk through one thing that will make ALL the difference in your relationships: Character.
With good character, your relationships are sure to be more enjoyable. More honest. More authentic. More loving. More impactful. More encouraging. More joyful. More lasting.
Tony Dungy had it right in saying, “Character is the glue that bonds solid and meaningful relationships.”
So how can you show character in your relationships? Leave your ideas in a comment below!
Posted on: December 23, 2015

Integrity is all about avoiding what’s convenient and pursuing what’s right. So let’s take a look at some examples of what that means on a daily basis.
So what is convenient? To stay busy on our phones and computers. To stay late at work. To miss our kid’s soccer game. To not help our daughter study for her test. To leave the house cleaning to our spouse. To take shortcuts at work. To make selfish decisions.
Now what is right? To work with honor. To be there for our kids. To love our spouse well.
What are some ways you can show integrity to your family this week? Comment below with your thoughts.
Posted on: December 14, 2015

Do you and your spouse want an uncommon marriage? Of course you do! But in a world that demands our attention and pulls us away from our spouse, it can feel impossible at times. So what can we do to recapture the romance and build an uncommon marriage?
Let’s check out what Tony Dungy believes are the 2 keys to an Uncommon Marriage…
- Stay Focused: First, it’s important that you and your spouse stay focused on each other. The world we live in is full of distractions…from schedules to work to kids to movies to social media…the list goes on and on. But an uncommon marriage is one that puts your spouse above anything else.
- Let God Lead: And second, an uncommon marriage requires you to let God lead the way. No matter what circumstance or difficulty or challenge is thrown your way, be sure to trust God to work it together for your good. And the best way to rely on him? By praying with your spouse for trust, wisdom, and patience!
What are some other ways you can work to build an uncommon marriage with your family? Share your ideas in a comment below!
Posted on: December 12, 2015