You weren’t created to shuffle through life. You weren’t created to drift through your days. You weren’t created to have a mundane routine day in and day out.
So what were you created for?
You were created for greatness.
Psalm 139:13-14 says, “For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
This is good news! It means that God has planned greatness for you from the very beginning. He wants you to live a life that glorifies Him…a life that is exciting, and meaningful, and leaves a legacy.
So take some time today to think through all the ways you can stop drifting and start living!
Posted on: November 26, 2024

Parenting is no walk in the park.
It’s full of ups and downs, highs and lows, good days and bad days.
And while the questions surrounding how to parent best are endless, today we’re going to talk through Coach Dungy’s advice on parenting well.
- Parent in a way that champions values. First, it’s important that you set clear values for your family. Teach your children what’s most important in life: faith and family. Let your children know that they must always keep these two things first and foremost in their lives.
- Parent in a way that models character. And next, be sure to be a model of strong character for your kids. You may not realize it, but your children are always always watching you. So act in a way that shows them how to be honest, how to be kind, and how to uphold integrity. Because you will always be their biggest influence.
What are some other parenting tips? We’d love for you to share them in a comment below.
Posted on: October 31, 2024
Dear Tony, What should I do if I fear change?

Change is tough.
It means breaking habits, changing routines, or letting go of what’s familiar. That’s why so many fear change.
But what happens when God is wanting to bring something better into your life?
What happens if you’re clinging so tightly to a mundane career, that you miss the dream job that God has just around the corner for you? What happens if you keep your finances so tight that you miss out on the joy of supporting a child in another country who needs you? What happens if you refuse to move to a new city and miss the lifelong friends God had in store for you there?
And though the list goes on and on, let’s leave it at this: change can be good.
And when you’re trusting God, He will always take care of you and lead you into what is best for you and most glorifying for Him.
Posted on: October 29, 2024

We all want to achieve success.
But it’s easy to caught up the wrong things on path to success. We have our eyes set the prize when suddenly are tempted by things of world. We begin to chase approval, money, and recognition.
So what is most important building block to success?
Coach Dungy believes that at the end of the day, INTEGRITY is most essential.
Because when we uphold integrity, we are honest, trustworthy, and dependable. And success comes to who work hard this way.
Be encouraged to walk in integrity this week and let us know how it goes by commenting below!
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Posted on: August 22, 2024

Life is full of storms.
There are small storms like unexpected traffic, burnt dinner, and rained out excursions. Things like these can be frustrating, but are easily moved past.
But then there are big storms: financial struggles, parenting difficulties, job losses, or even the death of a loved ones. So how can you and your spouse recover from some of life’s biggest storms?
Coach Dungy believes that when we keep Christ at the center of our relationship, we can make it through anything. The key to surviving difficulties is keeping our eyes on God–no matter what life throws our way.
What are some storms you’ve faced recently? Share your story in a comment below.
Posted on: August 20, 2024

In today’s world, time is crucial. We use every minute of every day. Our schedules are so full, that it sometimes feels like we will burst!
And so, being on time is often not a priority. Or if it is a priority, it is an unrealistic goal. But today, we’re going to discuss 2 reasons to be on time.
- Being Late Means It’s Not Important to You. When you don’t show up on time for an event, a meeting, a game, or anything else, it reflects a lack of importance. Instead, be sure to make every effort to show your care by being on time.
- Being Late Means You Can’t Be Relied Upon. In addition, being late reflects a lack of dependability. When you don’t stick to your word, people are less likely to believe your promises. So do your best to be on time and earn people’s trust.
What are some other reasons to be on time? Comment below with your ideas.

“For God so loved the world He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him will never die but have eternal life.” John 3:16
The Bible is full of wonderful and inspiring verses. John 3:16 is one such verse–reminding us that God made the ultimate sacrifice to rescue His people. So today, let’s remember 3 things about God and His character.
- God is Love. God is full of love and care for His children. He will always work things together for our good!
- God is Everlasting. Though people and circumstances change, God will never change! He will always be our loving Father.
- God is Worthy. Because of His great sacrifice, God is worthy of our praise. He is a good, good father.
What are some other characteristics of our God? Share your thoughts in a comment below.

Sometimes we struggle to connect with our kids. We struggle to find ways to relate to them. We struggle to begin conversations and talk deeply.
But the truth is that it’s as simple as a fishing pole and a hook. That’s all it takes.
Taking your child out for a day of fishing is one of the best ways to intentionally connect with them. It gives you a chance to escape from the busyness of life and enjoy God’s creation. Together, you and your child have the chance to enjoy the quiet, enjoy the sunshine, and enjoy some fish!
So grab some bait and head out to your favorite lake this weekend!
Then be sure to comment below and tell us all about it.

Life gets tough. Life gets hard. Life gets overwhelming.
But through it all, God is with us. And God promises to stay by our side. Joshua 1:9 tells us, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Once we stop trusting the things of this world, we will be able to fully trust in God. God is good and sovereign and all-powerful. So when things go wrong, remember these words from Tony Dungy: God can see the entire picture, even when we cannot.
When is the last time you trusted God? Share your story in a comment below.

Life can be tough. Life can be full of moments that overwhelm us, grieve us, and knock us off our feet. But God has promised to see us through our difficulties! So today, let’s regain hope with these inspiring bible verses on perseverance and overcoming hardships.
- “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
- “We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame…” Romans 5:3-5
- “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” Psalm 34:19
- “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.” 2 Corinthians 4:17
- “It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes.” Psalm 119:71
Share your favorite bible verse about persevering through trials in a comment below!
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