
Family Blog

Why Fish with Your Kids

Daily Huddle fishy

Sometimes we struggle to connect with our kids. We struggle to find ways to relate to them. We struggle to begin conversations and talk deeply.

But the truth is that it’s as simple as a fishing pole and a hook. That’s all it takes.

Taking your child out for a day of fishing is one of the best ways to intentionally connect with them. It gives you a chance to escape from the busyness of life and enjoy God’s creation. Together, you and your child have the chance to enjoy the quiet, enjoy the sunshine, and enjoy some fish!

So grab some bait and head out to your favorite lake this weekend!

Then be sure to comment below and tell us all about it.


Posted on: July 02, 2024


How to Trust God When Times Get Tough

Life gets tough. Life gets hard. Life gets overwhelming.

But through it all, God is with us. And God promises to stay by our side. Joshua 1:9 tells us, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Once we stop trusting the things of this world, we will be able to fully trust in God. God is good and sovereign and all-powerful. So when things go wrong, remember these words from Tony Dungy: God can see the entire picture, even when we cannot.

When is the last time you trusted God? Share your story in a comment below.

Posted on: June 06, 2024


The Best Bible Verses about Perseverance

Daily Huddle JOY

Life can be tough. Life can be full of moments that overwhelm us, grieve us, and knock us off our feet. But God has promised to see us through our difficulties! So today, let’s regain hope with these inspiring bible verses on perseverance and overcoming hardships.

  • “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
  • “We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame…” Romans 5:3-5
  • “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all.” Psalm 34:19
  • “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.” 2 Corinthians 4:17
  • “It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes.” Psalm 119:71

Share your favorite bible verse about persevering through trials in a comment below!

Posted on: June 04, 2024


How to Work with Purpose

We all crave success.

We crave to be known, to be honored, to be praised for our work. Why? Because we think success will bring us satisfaction. Because we think success will bring us affirmation. Because we think success will bring us happiness.

But the truth is that there is only one thing that will bring us satisfaction, affirmation, and ultimate happiness: a relationship with God.

Only when we live our lives for God will we find contentment. Because living a life for God means doing our work with purpose. When we work to bring God glory, we stop working to bring ourselves glory. And we find that this is the best way to work!

So join us in using our careers to work well for and bring honor to God!

Comment below with your thoughts.

Posted on: May 30, 2024


How to Be Present in Your Marriage


Daily Huddle ferris

When it comes to marriage, being present means being a winner.

There are so many distractions in life. From meetings to movies, parenting to planning, the list goes on and on. But succeeding in marriage requires us to be present. So how can we do that? Well today, let’s talk through how you can succeed in marriage by being present physically and emotionally.

  1. Be Present Physically: First and foremost, it’s crucial that you’re present physically. Sure calls and texts are meaningful in a marriage. But nothing can replace actually being together. That’s why we want to encourage you to get home on time, make plans together as a family on the weekends, and be near your spouse as much as possible.
  2. Be Present Emotionally: Next, it’s important to be present emotionally with your spouse. It’s one thing to be sitting next to your wife on the couch. But it’s a whole other thing to be engaged in conversation with them. So put down the remote, put down your cell phone, and put down the computer. This allows you to choose being present emotionally with your spouse!

What are some other ways to succeed in marriage? Feel free to comment below with your ideas!

Posted on: May 28, 2024


Understanding the Power of Words

Daily Huddle Wordss

It’s easy to underestimate the power of words. But we believe that words have the power to encourage, strengthen, and uplift others. So let’s get started by understanding 3 ways words can be powerful:

  1. Words can Encourage: Be sure to use your words as a source encouragement for the people around you. Be aware and involved in their lives so that you’re able to give specific encouragement. Perhaps that means encouraging them to pursue their dreams, encouraging them to share the gospel with a friend, or encouraging them to seek counseling.
  2. Words can Strengthen: Words have the power to strengthen or weaken the people you speak with. So be careful that your words are compassionate and true, rather than insensitive or negative.
  3. Words can Lift: And finally, remember to use the power of words to your advantage–by lifting up the people in your life. Write a quick note to your spouse sharing how much they mean to you. Tell your son how proud he made you at his football game. Or email your boss a quick note of appreciation.

What are some other ways you can use your words in a positive way? Comment below with your ideas.


Posted on: March 26, 2024


What it Takes to Be a Great Leader

There are many challenges that come with being a leader. One of those challenges is finding the middle ground between being too arrogant and too passive.

The Problem

Some leaders we know tend to lean toward arrogance. They become so confident and good at leading (or at least think they’re good at leading), that they begin to think too highly of themselves. This often causes them to become condescending in their attitude, short-tempered in their replies, and difficult to be around.

Other leaders we know tend to lead towards passivity. They work so hard to please the people they’re leading that they lose their morals and values. They stop leading with conviction and start leading with concern. They begin to put the opinions of others over the opinion of God.

The Solution

So how can we find the middle ground and avoid being arrogant or passive? With confidence from God. Confidently leading others begins with praying for them, investing in them, and doing everything we can to love them well. 

The Next Step

We encourage you to take some time this week to pray for the people you’re leading. This is sure to be a great first step to becoming a confident leader who is honoring to God!

Posted on: December 28, 2023


God’s Good Gifts


We all work hard.

Whether it’s running an office, taking care of a family, or coaching a team, we all spend our days working hard and trying to do things with excellence.

So when something good happens, it’s natural for us to see it as a result of our hard work. Maybe your team makes it to the championship, and you can’t help but think that it’s because of the new drills that you created and brought to the table. And so you get caught up in your skills and abilities, unable to see the bigger picture…unable to see God’s hand in the situation.

But James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” Not just some gifts. Not just most gifts. ALL gifts are from the Father. He is the one who has given us minds to think and dream, bodies to say and do. So in that way, every blessing is a result of God’s goodness, not our own work.

What are some of the good gifts God has given to you? We’d love for you to share them in a comment below.

Posted on: December 21, 2023


Why Your Friends Matter

What do you want your tomorrow to look like?

Maybe you dream of becoming the president of a successful business. Maybe you dream of traveling the world. Maybe you even dream of working with underprivileged people and changing their lives.

We all have dreams and aspirations and goals for our lives. But not all of us are making wise decisions now that will contribute to those dreams and aspirations and goals.

One of the biggest ways to predict your future is to take a look at your peers. Who do you surround yourself with? Are you spending time with people who encourage you or dismiss you? Because whether we realize it or not, the voices that we listen to are the voices that affect us most.

Hebrews 12:1-3 says, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” God designed us to live in community and to be encouraged by the relationships we have. He meant for our family and friends to be witnesses in our lives, helping us run the race set out before us.

So dream big, and surround yourself with people who will never stop believing in you!

Posted on: December 19, 2023


Top 5 Bible Verses on Obedience

Most of us don’t like rules. We don’t like being told what to do or when to do it or even how to do it. We like to be independent and make our own decisions. Why? Because we tend to believe that we know what’s best.

But want to know a little secret? Oftentimes, we have NO IDEA what the best decision is. And we end up making mistake after mistake after mistake. That’s why God gives us truth and that’s why He convicts us to follow His word.

So today, we want to share some of our favorite bible verses on obedience. Check them out below!

  1. “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” James 1:22
  2. “Jesus replied, ‘Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.'” John 14:23
  3. “The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.” 1 John 2:17
  4. “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” Matthew 7:24
  5. “Whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.” Proverbs 10:17

What other verses encourage you to be obedient? Share your favorites in a comment below!

Posted on: December 14, 2023


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