
Family Blog

Why Two Are Better Than One

Everyone craves community. Everyone wants to have friends they can count on when times get rough. Even God agrees! In Ecclesiastes 4:9, we’re told that “Two are better than one.”

So today, we’re gonna look at some reasons why two are better than one!

  • When you’re part of a team, you develop deeper relationships with people
  • When you’re part of a team, you don’t feel alone
  • When you’re part of a team, you have a better sense of purpose
  • When you’re part of a team, you learn to stay humble and kind
  • When you’re part of a team, you can dream and collaborate together
  • When you’re part of a team, your wins are bigger and your losses are easier to handle
  • When you’re part of a team, you achieve more

What are some other examples of how two are better than one? Share your reasons for wanting to be part of a team in a comment below!

Posted on: November 30, 2023


The Best Time to Make a Difference

When we talk about making a difference, we’re usually referring to the future. One day I’ll go downtown and serve the homeless. One day I’ll invite my friend to church. One day I’ll write an encouraging note to my spouse.

But what if we replaced one day with today?

Instead of getting caught up in the distractions of our lives, it’s time to take a step back and remind ourselves what life is all about: loving God and loving others.

Psalm 118:24 says, “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” God wants us to make the most of the time we have on earth…and that begins with making the most of the time we have today. Because the best time to make a difference is now.

So what are you waiting for? Go and make a difference in someone’s life today!

Posted on: November 28, 2023


Worldly vs. Eternal Significance

Let’s face it: Most of us are stuck feeling like our lives are insignificant. Without fame or fortune or status, we feel like there’s no way we can make a difference…let alone change the world!

But in Psalm 139:14, we learn that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” by God. This means that we DO have significance!

While you may not ever experience worldly success or significance, God has created you to have an eternal significance by giving you the ability to impact the lives of those around you. He’s given you a mouth to encourage, hands to serve, and a heart to show compassion to family, friends, and even strangers you pass on the street.

So stop focusing on your worldly significance and start embracing your eternal significance today!

Posted on: November 21, 2023


How to Avoid an Attitude of Bitterness

Let’s admit it: we all enjoy venting about our frustrations. We enjoy voicing our opinions and the ways people get on our nerves. And it makes sense that we get most frustrated with the people who we spend the most time with–our spouse and our kids.

And we think it’s not a big deal to vent. We think it’s not a big deal to share with our buddies how our wife has been nagging us all week long about chores or how our kids have been bothering us when we’re trying to just relax and watch the game. We don’t usually give a second thought to complaining about these small frustrations.

But here’s the hard truth: the more we talk about what annoys us and angers us and aggravates us, the more it will annoy and anger and aggravate us. In other words, if we continue to talk about how frustrated we are with our families, the more bitter our attitude will become.

Ephesians 4:29 says, “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” 

So the next time you feel ready to vent about your annoyances, we want to encourage you to think twice. Ask yourself if your words are “good for building up” or if they’re simply contributing to an attitude of bitterness.

Posted on: November 16, 2023


Always in the Spotlight

The day you become a parent is the day you step into the spotlight. And you never step out.

From the moment your child is born, they are watching you. And they see all of your moments of kindness. They see the way you give your spouse an encouraging word after a long day. They see the way you put away your cell phone at the dinner table. They even see the way you smile at the cashier and ask how their day is going.

But they also see your moments of weakness. They see the way you slam your fist on the table out of frustration. They see the way you roll your eyes behind your spouse’s back. They see the empty bleachers at their soccer game. They even see a word or two slip out under your breath when you think no one’s listening.

Here’s the thing: your children are always watching you. Always. There are no days off and no behind the scenes. So be sure that you think about each word and action you take. Because once you’re in the spotlight, all eyes are on you.

Posted on: November 14, 2023


A Note of Encouragement for Dads

No father is perfect.

Sure we all have moments of success. We have moments of kindness and selflessness and cheering on our children. But we also have plenty of moments of failure. We have moments of frustration and anger and selfishness and pride and distance.

In these moments, it’s easy for our opinion of ourselves to change. We begin to judge ourselves based on our actions–loving ourselves when we succeed as dads and frustrating ourselves when we fail as dads. But we need to stop putting so much emphasis on our failures as fathers, and begin to find our ultimate identity in Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation: the old has gone, the new has come!” In other words, God wants us to lean into who we are in Him–not who we are based on our mistakes. So be encouraged by this wonderful truth!

Posted on: November 09, 2023


The Best Way to Teach a Boy to Be a Man

Every father wants his son to grow up to be a man.

Every father wants his son to know how to lead his peers well, how to love his wife well, and how to guide his children well. And every father wants his son to know who he is in Christ.

But not every father takes the time or makes the effort to teach his son these things.

The truth is that there is only so much our boys can learn from teachers and books and school. Because when it comes to character building, they need an example. They need a role model. They need someone to look up to. And dads, that’s where you come in. 

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” As a father, God has given you the responsibility to train up your son. And when you are faithful to teach him these lessons through your words and actions, God will be faithful to guide your son.

So be intentional with your time this week and figure out how you can begin to or continue to raise up your son.

Posted on: November 07, 2023


The Secret to Being a Great Leader

It’s easy to think that our leadership credibility is based solely on our actions. On our success. On our expertise. We think that what people care about most is that we do things well.

And while these can be good things, they are not of the utmost importance. People want you to make wise decisions, to be successful, and to be an expert. But the best leaders are the ones who care. The ones who are there for you, no matter what.

Matthew 20:26 says, “Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” God wants us to stop trying so hard to lead others with perfect words and perfect actions. Instead, we’re just called to serve others. This means loving them, encouraging them, and caring for them in the best ways we can.

So stop worrying about falling short in your leadership and experience the freedom of simply caring for others well.

Posted on: November 02, 2023