
Family Blog

How to Interact with Others

We all interact with others each and every day. We interact with our spouse, our kids, our co-workers, our friends, and even strangers.  But are we interacting well?

Check out Coach Dungy’s Checklist below to find out!

  1. Are you being Real? This means being honest about who you are, what your intentions are, and how you plan to care for others. It also means avoiding false personas. Instead you must show your true colors, and try your best to get to know people and care for them.
  2. Are you being Authentic? Don’t try to act better than you are. Simply embrace yourself and what you stand for! Others are sure to love who you are when you’re honest and open.
  3. Are you being Sincere? This means honoring people with every interaction you have. Whether you’re meeting with your boss, having dinner with your family, or checking out at the grocery store with a cashier, be sure that every interaction is a meaningful one!

What are some other important things to keep in mind when relating to others? Comment below with your advice!

Posted on: July 28, 2016


How to Parent as a Champion

Parenting is no walk in the park.

It’s full of ups and downs, highs and lows, good days and bad days.

And while the questions surrounding how to parent best are endless, today we’re going to talk through Coach Dungy’s advice on parenting well.

  1. Parent in a way that champions values. First, it’s important that you set clear values for your family. Teach your children what’s most important in life: faith and family. Let your children know that they must always keep these two things first and foremost in their lives.
  2. Parent in a way that models character. And next, be sure to be a model of strong character for your kids. You may not realize it, but your children are always always watching you. So act in a way that shows them how to be honest, how to be kind, and how to uphold integrity. Because you will always be their biggest influence.

What are some other parenting tips? We’d love for you to share them in a comment below.

Posted on: July 28, 2016


Why You Should Embrace Change

Dear Tony, What should I do if I fear change?

Daily Huddle changee

Change is tough.

It means breaking habits, changing routines, or letting go of what’s familiar. That’s why so many fear change.

But what happens when God is wanting to bring something better into your life?

What happens if you’re clinging so tightly to a mundane career, that you miss the dream job that God has just around the corner for you? What happens if you keep your finances so tight that you miss out on the joy of supporting a child in another country who needs you? What happens if you refuse to move to a new city and miss the lifelong friends God had in store for you there?

And though the list goes on and on, let’s leave it at this: change can be good.

And when you’re trusting God, He will always take care of you and lead you into what is best for you and most glorifying for Him.

Posted on: July 21, 2016


How to Create an Uncommon Marriage

Dear Tony, What does it take to have an uncommon marriage?

Everyone has an idea of what it takes to have a “happy marriage.”

Some people suggest less time at work and more time at home. Other people suggest investing in one another’s hobbies and interests. Still others suggest giving more compliments and praise.

All of these are good things. And sure, they can all improve your marriage in some way. But there’s only one way to build a strong marriage that will survive any storm…and that’s through Jesus.

Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” In other words, we must keep him first if we hope to make anything else good or solid.

Because at the end of the day, an uncommon marriage is simply one that is built on Christ.

Posted on: July 21, 2016


Why Forgiveness is So Important in Marriage

Dear Tony, Why is forgiveness so important in marriage?

If you’re married, then you know that arguments can be part of your daily routine.

Couples may fight over little things like what to have for breakfast, where the TV remote disappeared to, or whose turn it is to grocery shop.

Other times, couples may fight over bigger things like how to spend your savings, how to discipline your children, or what to do when one of you loses their job.

Let’s face it: we don’t have a choice when it comes to getting into arguments. They’re bound to happen! But what we do have a choice with is how we react. And we want to encourage you to choose forgiveness.

Coach Dungy shares the power of forgiveness when he explains that when we forgive, “healing takes place, love deepens, and peace reigns.”

This is echoed in Ephesians 4:32 with “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

So be sure to keep forgiveness at the center of your marriage and let us know how we can encourage you more!

Posted on: July 14, 2016


What it Takes to Be a Mentor Leader

Dear Tony, What does it take to be a Mentor Leader?

We all want to make a difference.

We all want to change lives, help others, and make our mark. And one of the very best ways to do that is as a Mentor Leader.

But being a Mentor Leader isn’t something to take lightly. It means sacrifice, selflessness, and service. More than anything, Coach Dungy explains that it means “standing side by side with the people we are leading.”

It’s easy to give empty advice or brief instructions. But Mentor Leaders are held to a higher standard. They can’t just talk the talk, but they must also walk the walk. Not some of the time. Not most of the time. But ALL of the time.

We encourage you to take some time this week to think through who you can be a Mentor Leader to!

Posted on: July 14, 2016


Why You Can Have Quiet Time Anytime

Daily Huddle meet

“It’s too late…I’m too tired…Maybe tomorrow…” When we’re uncertain about things, we are all too quick to create excuses.

And it’s no different when it comes to having a quiet time with the Lord.

Instead of opening our bibles or turning on some worship music, we make up excuses. We convince ourselves that we’re too exhausted or we don’t have enough time or we have other things that need to get done first.

But the truth is that the best time for quiet time is right now.

You don’t need to schedule out an appointment ahead of time to meet with God. He is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!

So take a few moments to pray, meditate on scripture, and call out to your Savior this morning.

Posted on: July 07, 2016


For Better or Worse

On your wedding day, you and your spouse made a commitment “for better or for worse…” And by now, you’ve probably already faced some of those “better” and “worse” moments.

Some of the “for better” moments include going on your honeymoon, having your first child together, buying your first home together, getting a promotion at work, and even sharing small moments of romance day in and day out.

Then there are the “for worse” moments…moments like finding yourself in debt, struggling to parent rebellious teens, experiencing health issues, or losing a loved one.

But whether you’re facing the “for better” or “for worse” moments right now in life, be sure to always look back and remember the commitment you made to your spouse. And be encouraged to press on, side by side, through it all!

Posted on: July 07, 2016