
Family Blog

First Comes Love…

Our culture puts a huge emphasis on the wedding day. We focus on the venue, the date, the dress, the cake, and every little detail in between. But once the wedding day is over, many couples find themselves at a loss of what to do.

Here’s the problem: we spend too much time preparing for the wedding and too little time preparing for the marriage. When we put all our time and energy into the wedding celebration, we fail to put time and energy into getting ready for a commitment.

So as your friends or older children begin contemplating marriage, be sure to encourage them to prepare for the wedding AND the marriage. Help them learn and understand what a lifetime journey of commitment truly means!

Posted on: March 29, 2016


Keeping Christ at the Center

We believe that strong marriages come down to one thing: Christ. When Christ is at the center of your relationship, all other good things will flow naturally. So today, let’s take a look at how a Christ-centered marriage will bring love, grace, forgiveness, and perseverance to you and your spouse!

Love: When you understand God’s everlasting love for you, you’re better able to love your spouse. You learn to love them for all their wonderful qualities and all their not-so-wonderful qualities. You learn to love them in the good times and in the bad times.

Grace: When you know that God is the only one who can truly fulfill you, you’ll stop expecting perfection from your spouse. This will free you to offer grace to your spouse when they disappoint you or let you down!

Forgiveness: When you experience the forgiveness of Christ for all of your sins, your life will change. With this joy and humility, you become equipped to forgive your spouse no matter what the circumstances. Why? Because Christ always forgives you.

Perseverance: When you keep your eyes focused on Christ, perseverance is inevitable. You have your eyes on the prize: an eternity in Heaven worshipping the one you love! This allows you to persevere with your spouse through whatever trials life may throw at you.


What are some other benefits of a Christ-centered relationship? Share your thoughts with us below!

Posted on: March 29, 2016


Teaching Your Kids the Value of a Dollar

Teaching your kids about money is one of the most important things you’ll ever do. It’s also one of the most challenging things you’ll ever do.

So today we’re gonna talk through two techniques to use when teaching your kids the value of a dollar.

  1. Teach them early. Be sure to teach your kids at a young age how to handle money. Give them a piggy bank, work through an allowance with them, and teach them how to save well. There are tons of little lessons that can be taught, so be sure to get started early!
  2. Teach them by example. Above and beyond anything else, the best way to teach your kids about money is by example. If you want certain values to be instilled, then you must be ready and willing to live them day in and day out. Why? Because your kids are watching you! So save your money, give to others regularly, and be wary of your spending.

Tell us some of your favorite lessons about money in a comment below!

Posted on: March 23, 2016


How Actions Speak Louder than Words

We all know the saying, Actions speak louder than words.

Well here at the Dungy Family Foundation, we believe that to be so true! Coach Dungy spent many years training up teams to win games. And over time, he discovered that the best way to communicate was often through actions rather than words. And so instead of simply telling his quarterback what to do, he’d give him a picture of it and demonstrate!

In the same way, parenting requires action. We aren’t just called to tell our kids to be honest, to be kind, and to be humble. We are called to do all of those things ourselves! Your kids are always watching you…and I mean always! So be sure that the picture of your life is one you want your kids mirroring.

What are some ways to start acting more like a role model for your kids? Share your ideas in a comment below!

Posted on: March 23, 2016


Common vs. Uncommon

This world is full of people.

Tall people and short people. Smart people and careless people. Selfless people and selfish people. But most importantly, there are common people and uncommon people.

Common people go through life without a purpose. They go to work, earn their money, start a family, have some friends, and maybe enjoy things from time to time. But their success is shallow and their happiness is short. Why? Because they’ve yet to surrender their lives to God.

On the other hand, uncommon people go through life with a purpose. They, too, go to work, earn money, start a family, and have friends. But their enjoyment and success comes from the Lord: an unending spring of life. When we give our lives to Christ, our work transforms from common to uncommon!

So what are you waiting for? Become uncommon today!

Posted on: March 21, 2016


Why Fish with Your Kids

Daily Huddle fishy

Sometimes we struggle to connect with our kids. We struggle to find ways to relate to them. We struggle to begin conversations and talk deeply.

But the truth is that it’s as simple as a fishing pole and a hook. That’s all it takes.

Taking your child out for a day of fishing is one of the best ways to intentionally connect with them. It gives you a chance to escape from the busyness of life and enjoy God’s creation. Together, you and your child have the chance to enjoy the quiet, enjoy the sunshine, and enjoy some fish!

So grab some bait and head out to your favorite lake this weekend!

Then be sure to comment below and tell us all about it.


Posted on: March 21, 2016


Why Be on Time

In today’s world, time is crucial. We use every minute of every day. Our schedules are so full, that it sometimes feels like we will burst!

And so, being on time is often not a priority. Or if it is a priority, it is an unrealistic goal. But today, we’re going to discuss 2 reasons to be on time.

  1. Being Late Means It’s Not Important to You. When you don’t show up on time for an event, a meeting, a game, or anything else, it reflects a lack of importance. Instead, be sure to make every effort to show your care by being on time.
  2. Being Late Means You Can’t Be Relied Upon. In addition, being late reflects a lack of dependability. When you don’t stick to your word, people are less likely to believe your promises. So do your best to be on time and earn people’s trust.

What are some other reasons to be on time? Comment below with your ideas.

Posted on: March 08, 2016


Why God Still Loves

“For God so loved the world He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him will never die but have eternal life.” John 3:16

The Bible is full of wonderful and inspiring verses. John 3:16 is one such verse–reminding us that God made the ultimate sacrifice to rescue His people. So today, let’s remember 3 things about God and His character.

  1. God is Love. God is full of love and care for His children. He will always work things together for our good!
  2. God is Everlasting. Though people and circumstances change, God will never change! He will always be our loving Father.
  3. God is Worthy. Because of His great sacrifice, God is worthy of our praise. He is a good, good father.

What are some other characteristics of our God? Share your thoughts in a comment below.

Posted on: March 08, 2016


How to Define Manhood

Daily Huddle manhood

Our culture has lots to say about defining manhood.

But today, we’re going to turn to scriptures to see what God has to say. So here are 3 characteristics of a godly man:

  1. Wisdom: Proverbs 24:5 says that “a wise man is full of strength, and a man of knowledge enhances his might.” So be sure to pursue wisdom by reading the Bible and surrounding yourself with wise counsel.
  2. Humility: Philippians 2:3 tells us to “do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.” In other words, a godly man must be humble in all circumstances–setting aside his own desires.
  3. Peace: And finally, James 1:19 shares “My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” Being a godly man requires that we are slow to anger. Instead, we should do everything we can to keep peace in our relationships.

What are some other characteristics of a godly man? We’d love for you to share your ideas in a comment below.

Posted on: March 01, 2016


Stop and Hug Your Kids!

For today’s Daily Huddle blog, we’re going to focus on one simple truth:

the importance of hugging our kids.

In Quiet Strength, Coach Dungy reminds us that hugging our kids is one of the best ways to show your kids you love them. A simple hug everyday is a consistent way for your kids to learn that you can be counted on.

Your kids need to know they can trust you.  So start the tradition now! Hug your kids every morning when they leave for school and every evening when you get home from work.

When is the last time you hugged your kids? Share in a comment below!

Posted on: March 01, 2016