There’s power in forgiveness.
There’s power in the ability to feel the fault of others and look past it.
There’s power in feeling pain, experiencing hurt, or hearing harsh words, and being able to offer forgiveness.
Why? Because God forgives us each and every day. Often it’s multiple times a day! So when we offer forgiveness to others, we are giving the world a taste of God’s radical forgiveness for us.
Ephesians 4:32 says, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you.” Here, God is instructing us to be kind, to be compassionate, and most of all, to be forgiving.
Who do you need to forgive in your life today? We encourage you to spend some time praying though the situation and asking God to help you forgive that specific person.
Posted on: June 15, 2016