You’re given one life.
One chance to live. One chance to love. One chance to make a difference.
And yet, so many of us live as if we’re promised tomorrow. We put our dreams on the back burner, we hold in the words we wish we could say, and we sit still instead of taking the first step.
Why do we do this? Because we lack courage. We allow fear to rule our lives, instead of trusting God and following His path for us. We’ve become so content with our mundane routines, that adventures are simply slipping through our fingers.
1 Timothy 6:12 says, “Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called.”
In other words, God never meant for you to sit on the sidelines of life, passing time away. He wants you to fight the fight and take hold of life!
What are some ways you can step up and make the most of your time this week? We’d love to hear your ideas in a comment below.
Posted on: June 29, 2023