Every day we have little decisions to make: what to wear, what to eat, what to say. But every now and then, we have bigger decisions to make: where to live, where to work, who to marry.
So what’s the best way to make big decisions? Check out these 3 steps below:
- Think Through All Your Options: The first thing you should do when making a big decision is think through you all your options. Make a pros and cons list. Figure out what the repercussions of each decision would have on your family and friends. Sort through why you’re leaning towards one decision or another.
- Seek Advice from People You Trust: God designed us to live in community. And one of the best parts of that is having people to turn to when you’re struggling or uncertain about something. Proverbs 15:22 says, “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.” So be bold and ask for advice from your spouse, your pastor, or a trusted friend.
- Pray About It: And finally, the most important part of making a big decision is praying about it! Ask God to give you wisdom and discernment, making it clear what He wants you to do. This is the best way to make a decision that will glorify Him!
What big decisions do you have in your life right now? We’d love for you to share in a comment below.